1) you can find critics' opinions on a film there a) review b) art director c) cast d) screenplay 2) a person who performs atcs which are too dangerous or too demanding for actors a) screenwriter b) extras c) stuntman d) still life 3) a person who cuts and arranges scenes a) landscape b) editor c) canvas d) rehearsal 4) a script including dialogues and description of sets and characters and a) screenplay b) playwright c) review d) still life 5) time when all the people involved in a play practise to prepare for performance a) canvas b) playwright c) rehearsal d) conductor 6) all the actors who appear in a film a) cast b) conductor c) rehearsal d) review 7) actors who don't have speaking parts and are usually part of the scence e.g. in a crowd a) editor b) extras c) art director d) stuntman 8) a person who writes plays a) conductor b) playwright c) rehearsal d) canvas 9) the leader of an orchestra a) conductor b) screenwriter c) editor d) screenplay 10) a kind of painting that shows natural scenery a) stuntman b) extras c) playwright d) landscape 11) a kind of painting that show an arrangement of objects that don't move e.g. fruits, flowers, bowls a) cast b) review c) still life d) screenplay 12) a person responsible for costumes and sets in a film a) extras b) art director c) conductor d) review 13) a person who writes screenplays a) screenwriter b) extras c) still life d) editor 14) a piece of cloth used by artists for painting on a) playwright b) screenwriter c) canvas d) stuntman

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