Should animals be subjected to scientific and commercial tests?, What impact does social networking sites have on society?, Is the grading system used in schools effective?, Should nuclear energy be exploited for commercial purpose or abandoned because of associated risks?, Are humans to blame for certain animal extinctions?, Is peer pressure harmful or beneficial to individuals?, Do celebrities make for bad role models?, Should zoos be banned because they keep animals in confinement?, Are we too dependent on computers?, Is the boarding school system better than the day-school system?, How can bullying be stopped in schools and colleges?, Are video games responsible for bad behavior among children?, Is there life after death?, If you could transform into an animal, which animal would it be and why?, If you could go into the past through a time machine, which era would you like to go into and why?, Which is better to have as a pet – cat or dog?, Is intelligence sufficient to achieve success?, Is lying OK? If yes, when?, What human quality do we need more in the world? Why?, Does media influence how and what we think?, What would you do if you get one million US dollars?, How would you spend three months on an uninhabited island with no escape? Describe your daily routine., What would you do for a living if you know you can’t fail in it?, If I were invisible for a day…, What are you grateful for?, What is your biggest worry about your future?, If I ruled the world…, Should guns be easily available to adults for self-defense?, Should obesity tax be implemented to control obesity?, Should the driving age be lowered to 16?, If I was in charge of designing a school’s curriculum, I would…, Should prisoners be allowed to vote?, Is euthanasia justified?.

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