kill an hour or two - waste time while waiting, any time now - very soon, in no time - very quickly, dragging his heels - delay doing smth, take your time - do smth without hurrying, time after time - again and again, cut this short - stop doing smth earlier than planned, in the nick of time - at the last moment, making up for the lost time - do smth quickly because you started late, take on - hire/compete against, turn down - say no/lower the level, pull out - end involvement or quit/ drive on the other side of the road, put off - postpone/make smb dislike smth, bring up - raise/start to talk about, break down - end, fail/ stop working, talk behind smb's back - say smth about smb when they aren't listening, walk all over smb - treat sb very badly, not lift a finger - do nothing to help, be always there for smb - be available whenever smb needs you, go out of one's way to do smth - do smth to help even if it's not convenient for you,

Idioms 6.2 Speakout Upper

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