If you had been born 100 years earlier, how would your life have been different?, If you could stay one age forever, what age would it be?, If you had been born into a wealthier family, how would your childhood have been different?, If you woke up suddenly because your house was on fire, what item would you save first?, If you had been given a million dollars for your 10th birthday, how would you have spent it?, If somebody had invited you to an all-night rave last weekend, would you have gone?, If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?, If you had found a thousand dollars in the street this morning, what would you have done?, If you could meet any famous person, dead or alive, who would you choose to meet?, If you changed your name, what name would you choose?, If you had been your country’s leader for the past 10 years, would you have done anything differently?, If you were the world’s best at something, what would you like to be the world’s best at?, If you had been able to eat whatever you wanted as a child, what would you have eaten?, If you had a choice to have no children or ten children, what would you choose?, If you had been able to choose your career when you were a child, what would you have chosen?, If a bully at school had told you to give him your lunch money when you were a child, would you have given it to him?, If we could live 300 years, how would life be different?, If you could only live either in a place that is 0 degrees Fahrenheit year-round or a place that is 105 degrees Fahrenheit year-round, which would you choose?.

Second and Third Conditional Discussion Questions

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