The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Scotland (SCT), Wales (WAL), Northern Ireland (NIR), England (ENG), London (ENG), Cardiff (WAL), Belfast (NIR), Edinburgh (SCT), St David (WAL), daffodil (WAL), The River Severn (WAL), Swansea (WAL) , Snowdon (WAL), St Patrick (NIR), shamrock (NIR), Irish Stew (NIR), Lough Neagh (NIR), Giants Causeway (NIR), St George (ENG), rose (ENG), The River Thames (ENG), Birmingham (ENG), Tower of London (ENG), Fish and Chips (ENG), Lake Windermere (ENG), Stonehenge (ENG), St Andrew (SCT), thistle (SCT), bagpipes (SCT), Glasgow (SCT), Haggis (SCT), Loch Ness (SCT), Ben Nevis (SCT), The River Clyde (ENG), The Lake District (ENG), Full English breakfast, Banger and mash, Shepherd´s pie, Yorkshire pudding, Toad in the hole, Hadrian wall (ENG x SCT), Oxford (ENG), Edinburgh castle (SCT), Stratford-upon-Avon (ENG), Isle of Man, Isle of Whight (ENG), White cliffs of Dover (ENG), Banksy, Bristol (ENG), Queen Elizabeth I., Queen Victoria, Henry VIII., William Turner, Damien Hirst, rugby, football, Scottish hlighlands (SCT), The Cambrian Mountains (WA), The Grampian Mountains (SCT), Downing street.

The United Kingdom

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