Did you do anything interesting last weekend? Why (not)?, How long have you studied English?, Did you have a hero when you were younger?, Have you ever met anyone famous?, What is the most unusual food you have ever eaten?, What did you eat for breakfast?, What’s the most interesting movie you have ever seen?, What didn’t you like to do when you were a child?, What did you use to do with your family when you were younger?, How old were you when you learnt to ride a bike?, How long have you studied at CMA?, How long have you lived in the city you currently live now?, What did you do at school yesterday?, What have you done at school today?, Have you ever broken any part of your body?, What sports have you played so far?, What have you done too many times?, What is the best restaurant you have eaten at?, What is the worst restaurant you have eaten at?, Tell me 5 things that you did for the last 24 hours., When was the last time you went to a movie theater? What movie did you see?, Do you think your past was better than your present? Why (not)?, How did you come to school today?, What did you do for you last birthday?.

193 - Simple Past & Present Perfect & Used to

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