1) Scientist who studies the physical behavior of light? a) Kinetics b) Reflection c) Wave d) Physics e) Optics f) Geography 2) What is interference? a) Interference is a phenomenon related to all waves, not only to electromagnetic waves such as light.  b) not only to electromagnetic waves such as light  c) la óptica se pueden diferenciar dos ramas: la óptica geométrica y la óptica ondulatoria. 3) Types of interference? (2 options) a) Contructive b) Descructive c) Wabe d) Optics 4) the amplitude of the resulting wave is greater than one or the other individual waves... a) Concructive b) Descructive 5) Year in which Young's experiment was performed? a) 1809 b) 1890 c) 1801 d) 2000 6) What did Young check? a) proved an interference pattern in light from a distant source as it diffracted through two gratings, a result that contributed to the theory of the wave nature of light. b) Law of relativity c) Segunda ley de Newton 7) It is the phenomenon that takes place when two or more luminous undulatory movements, coming from similar sources of light, concur simultaneously at the same point of a medium. a) Brightness b) Luminous Intesity c) Intensity 8) What does K mean in the following image? a) Integer Number b) Speed c) Constant 9) Branch of physics that studies nature at small spatial scales a) PhysicsPhysic b) Quantum Mechanics c) Biology 10) What does Quantum Mechanics allow? a) predict the probability of obtaining one of several possible outcomes from the measurement of a property of the system. b) atomic and subatomic systems c) It is based on the observation that all forms of energy 11) Year in which the Schrödinger Equation was developed? a) 19002 b) 1945 c) 1925 12) describes the time evolution of a massive subatomic particle of wavelike and non-relativistic nature... a) Cinetics b) Schrödinger Equation c) Wabe 13) Which of the following images refers to the solution of the odd number solution method of the Schrödinger Equation?a a la la solución del método de solución numérica impar de la Ecuación de Schrödinger? a) b) 14) tie a rope to a hook on the wall, take the other end with your hand and shake it periodically in a vertical direction, you will be generating a train of transverse waves. a) Wave Functions b) Quantum Harmonic Oscillator c) Schrodinger Equation 15) La siguiente imagen corresponde... a) Funciones de Onda b) Oscilador Armónico Cuántico c) ecuación de Schrodinger

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