1) I usually ___ computer games in my free time. a) play b) plays c) playing d) am playing 2) I ___ a new computer game with my friend now. a) play b) plays c) are playing d) am playing 3) My sister ___ an action film at the moment.  a) watch b) watches c) is watching d) watching 4) They often ___ cartoons on TV. a) watch b) watching c) are watching d) is watches 5) My parents often ___ coffee in the morning. a) drink b) drinks c) drinking d) is drinking 6) My stepmother is a chef. She ___ at a restaurant. a) work b) works c) working d) are working 7) His nephew is a doctor. He usually works at a surgery, but he ___ at the hospital today.  a) work b) works c) working d) is working 8) My favourite shop is the games shop. I often ___ new games there. a) buy b) buying c) am buying d) am buys 9) My great-grandfather ___ a long beard and a moustache. a) have got b) has got c) is having d) is hasing 10) People ___ bread and rolls at the baker's. a) buy b) buying c) am buy d) is buying 11) What ___ your best friend ____ now? a) do / doing b) does / do c) is / doing d) is / does 12) ___ you ___ the new "Spiderman" film? a) Do / liking b) Do / like c) Are / like d) Does / liking 13) What time ___ your brother usually ___ ? a) is / get up b) do / gets up c) are / getting up d) does / get up 14) My stepsister ___ the Internet very often.  a) not search b) don't searches c) doesn't search d) isn't searches 15) They ___ online every single day. a) not chatting b) don't chat c) don't chatting d) aren't chating 16) I ___ a board game now! I'm studying! a) don't play b) isn't playing c) 'm not playing d) doesn't playing

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