India: Hot weather with a rainy season called monsoon., They built dykes and reservoires to collect the water for the dry season., They had well-developed cities with roads and canals., They believed in reincarnation., rivers: The Indus, the Ganges, China: rivers: the Yangtze, the Huang-Ho, writing system with thousands of symbols, the Great Wall to protect against the enemies., They built canals, gates and flooded the land with water., They invented paper, compass, gunpowder and silk., Phoenicia: They lived in small states along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, famous cities: Sidon, Tyre, Byblos, They made their living by trade, Merchants founded colonies in Sicily, Malta, Cyprus, Crete., created the alphabet, Mesopotamia: Rivers: The Tigris, The Euphrates, The King organised the work on the fields and protect the towns, They invented the wheel, the brick and a writing system called cuneiform, Egypt: River: The Nile, They developed an irrigation system to make use of the flood., The leader was called the pharaoh who was the descendant of the gods., Their writing system is called hieroglyphic writing., The most famous pyramids were built near Giza, Valley of the Kings., Ra, was the chief god, They believed in the afterlife. They thought that the soul didn’t die so they put everything in their tombs.,

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