This index indicates how likely the occurrence is., An expert can detect when the customer needs more support., They inquired if the client could describe the problem., There are two main reasons why the method is the most suitable for this study., They explored what age group preferred their products., We were interested in revealing why the politicians had avoided taxes., Further research is required to determine how the precautions affect the outcome., This report intends to clarify the extent to which governments restrict human rights., The aim was to discover when the failure becomes catastrophic., It has remained unclear what the reasons were., The writer explores the reasons why the state admits fewer immigrants., Nurses declared that they had established a new union., There are several parts where significant changes can be detected., Midnight is the time when most crimes are committed., Morgan and Johnson (2008) investigated how much Finns value entrepreneurship., The author explains how many freelancers changed their careers and why they did that., The participants were asked to rate how strongly they agreed with each statement., They were asked to tell the interviewer if they wanted to conduct the interview online., The teams revealed their plans when they started the process., The informants were asked to indicate what they thought about the plans., The researchers asked the children to describe what they felt at that moment.,

Reported speech - Unjumble the words. Epäsuora kerronta: Järjestä sanat. (Huomioi muodollinen tyyli.)

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