1) ➡️ 🖊 a) This is my pen b) Those is my pen c) These is my pen 2) Di chi sono quei libri? a) Who’s books are they? b) Whose books are they? c) Who is this books? 3) ➡️ 📓 a) This is George’s book b) Those is George’s book c) That is George’s book 4) La barca di Peter è stupenda a) Peter boat is beautiful b) Peter’s boat is beautiful c) Peter his boat is beautiful 5) Questo è l’astuccio di Pjer. L’ha dimenticato a) This is Pjer’s pensilcase. He forgot it b) This’s Pjer’s pensilcase. He forgot it c) That is Pjer’s pensilcase it forgot he  6) Di chi è quella bicicletta? a) Whos is that bike? b) Who’s is it those bike? c) Whose is that bike? 7) Quei ragazzi si comportano molto male! a) This boy behave very bad! b) These boys behave very good! c) Those boys behave very bad! 8) Questi quaderni sono costati tanti soldi  a) These notebooks were cost enough money b) Those notebooks are costed much moneys c) This is notebooks is cost some moneys

this these that those whose e genitivo sassone

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