academic - connected with studies, not practical skills, a graduate - a person who has a degree, a lecture - a talk given by an expert at university/college, a seminar - a small group meet with a teacher or expert to study, Bachelor's degree - the first degree you get at university, Master's degree - the second degree you get at university, postgraduate - studies after your first degree, undergraduate - studies during your first degree, secondary school - school for 11-18 year-olds, a qualification - a certificate to show you've completed a course of studies, a thesis - a long piece of research writing on a subject for degree, a tutor - a person who teaches at college/uni or one-to-one , compulsory - required by law, state school - school funded by the government, comprehensive school - a school for students of mixed ability, a grant - money given to a student to help them study,

FCE Compact u.5 education vocab #1

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