Fossil - the remains of an organism preserved in rock, Paleontologist - a scientist who studies fossils, Petrified Remains - when the hard parts of an organism are replaced by minerals, Mold - an imprint when a fossil dissolves, Cast - a fossil when a mold fills up, Carbon Film - the pressed outline of a fossil, Trace Fossil  - a fossil that is indirect evidence of living things, Law of Superposition - In sedimentary rock layers, young rocks are on top and older rocks are on the bottom, Relative Age - Measuring the age of a rock by what happened 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Absolute Age - The actual date a rock formed, Index Fossil - Type of fossil used to find the age of a layer of rock, Radioactive decay - When an element breaks down into another element, Half-Life - the time it takes for half a radioactive element to decay, Law of Inclusion - clasts in a rock are older than the rock itself, Law of Cross Cutting Relationships - the geologic feature which cuts another is the younger of the two features, Coprolites - fossilized feces of animals, Gastroliths - Rocks that have been in the digestive system of an animal, Correlation - matching an undated rock with a dated one at another location, Fossil Succession - Fossil organisms succeed one another upward through rock layers in a definite and determinable order;, Amber - Fossil formed when insect gets stuck in sap,


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