1) How do you say 'Hello!'? a) au revoir b) à bientôt! c) bonjour! 2) How do you say 'My name is...'? a) Je nom... b) Je m'appelle... c) Je maple 3) What does 'marocain' mean? a) American b) macarons c) Moroccan 4) How do you say 'yes'? a) wee b) oui c) non 5) What is the correct spelling for 'goodbye'? a) A revoir b) Au rovoir c) Au revoir 6) When talking about a girl, how would you say she's Australian? a) Australien b) Australienne c) australienne 7) Which word does NOT mean 'awesome/great'? a) pardon b) génial c) formidable 8) What are you most likely to say to a new student arriving in our class? a) Attention! b) Bienvenue c) Pardon 9) How do you say 'I' in French? a) tu b) je c) vous 10) How do you say 'you' in French? a) tu b) le c) je

Unit 1 vocabulary

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