1) Halloween is celebrated in ..... a) October b) November 2) The Portuguese brought to Brazil. a) June Party b) Thanksgiving 3) ...... is celebrated on the first day of the year. a) Christmas b) New Year 4) In which country do they celebrate Saint Patrick's Day? a) Ireland b) Brazil 5) In BRAZIL people ...... CARNIVAL every year. a) celebrate b) celebration 6) On the 4th of July, the U.S.A. celebrates the ..... Day. a) Children´s b) Independence 7) People usually decorate a tree. a) Birthday b) Christmas c) New Year 8) I usually invite my friends and have fun with them. a) Birthday party b) Easter 9) Thanksgiving is celebrated in..... a) November b) December 10) People wear costumes and say "trick or treat". a) Thanksgiving b) Halloween 11) We usually celebrate and eat a lot of chocolate. a) Easter b) Mother´s day 12) People exchange cards and chocolate with the ones they love. a) Children´s Day b) Valentine´s Day


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