1) What practice reinforced public servants to be unqualified? a) public voting for candidates based on religion b) federal government recruiting volunteers c) President rewarding public supporters d) legislators awarding contracts to lowest bidder 2) South hated the tariff and called it the a) Tariff of Good Feelings b) Nullification Tariff c) Jacksonian Tariff d) Tariff of Abominations 3) The proclamation that the power to annul a law of the U.S. by one state contradicted the Constitution was issued during what historical event? a) The Nullification Crisis b) Shays' Rebellion c) the War of 1812 d) the Civil War 4) John C. Calhoun believed in the idea that states reserve the powers not given to the federal government. What is this called? a) nullification b) states' rights c) abomination d) secede 5) What gave Andrew Jackson the power to make treaties with Native Americans? a) The Force Bill b) The Nullification Order c) The Indian Removal Act of 1830 d) Worcester v. Georgia 6) How did voting rights expand democracy in the Age of Jackson? a) more white males could vote b) votes were counted faster c) everyone in the U.S was allowed to vote d) people could vote on bills initiated in Congress 7) Why did the government want Native American land? a) to persuade American Indians to become farmers b) to gain access to important rivers c) to acquire agricultural land and natural resources d) to punish American Indians who were allies of the British 8) Jackson believed that South Carolina did not have the right to nullify federal law. a) True b) False 9) What caused the Nullification Crisis? a) A high tariff on imported goods b) AJ's hatred of the National Bank c) the lack of public schools d) AJ's practice of rewarding jobs to political supporters 10) How did Andrew Jackson respond to the ruling in Worcester v Georgia where the Supreme Court ruled that Georgia did not have legal authority over the Cherokees? a) ordered state officials in Georgia to negotiate with Cherokee Nation b) he ignored it and allowed Georgia to evict Cherokee Nation c) ask Congress to pay reparations to the Cherokee Nation d) filed another petition against the Cherokee Nation

jt Era of Jackson

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