1) Identify the following constellations.  a) Orion b) Leo c) Taurus d) Sagittarius 2) A constellation is a group of visible ____ that form a pattern when viewed from Earth. a) planet b) pattern c) star d) creature 3) The constellation pattern may take the shape of an ___, ___, ____, ___, or object such as a crown or compass. a) planets, stars, animals, people b) man, animals, stars, planets c) stars, animals, people, man d) animal, mythological creature, man, woman, 4) The stars we see in each constellation are very close to us. a) true b) false c) maybe d) sometimes 5) As the earth rotates on its axis, the constellations and stars in them appear to _________. a) move across the sky b) move around each other c) stand still in the sky d) rotate 6) Ursa Major is also called “Great Bear” and is one of the largest constellations. a) true b) false c) maybe d) sometimes 7) Ursa Minor means “Little Bear” in Latin and is commonly known as the Big Dipper. a) true b) false c) maybe d) sometimes 8) Orion, the hunter, is visible from _______________ in the northern and the southern hemisphere. a) October through March b) January through March c) August through October d) November to February 9) The day when the sun. moon and stars are made a) first day b) second day c) third day d) fourth day 10) In the early _____________, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) adopted 88 constellations a) 10th century b) 20th century c) c. 25th century d) d. 30th century 11) The Archer, can be seen during summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere. a) Leo b) Orion c) Taurus d) Sagittarius 12) What text in the Bible says, Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. a) Isaiah 40:26 b) Psalm 40:26 c) Proverbs 40:26 d) Isaiah 26:40

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