1) An English scientist who made accurate observations on the relationship of pressure and volume. a) Gay-Lussac  b) Robert Boyle c) Amadeo Avogadro 2) Which of the following is the standard unit of pressure? a) atm b) torr c) mmHg 3) The following are applications of Boyle's Law except: a) syringe b) flat tire c) automobile engine 4) What is the equivalent value of 1 atmosphere (1 atm) in Pascal (Pa)? a) 76 Pa b) 760 Pa c) 101, 325 Pa 5) Which of the following illustrates the mathematical statement of Boyle’s Law? a) P1V1=P2V2 b) P1P2=V1V2 c) P1V1 / P2V2 6) Which statement describes the volume-pressure relationship in gases at constant temperature? a) As pressure decreases, volume increases. b) As pressure increases, volume also increases. c) As pressure increases, volume remains constant 7) How many millimeters is exerted by the column of mercury when the pressure is standard? a) 76 b) 100 c) 760 8) Air is pumped into a bicycle tire. Which of the following does not happen? a) The gas molecules collide more frequently. b) The gas molecules move faster. c) The space between the molecules decreases 9) It is the force exerted by the gas on the walls of its container divided by the surface area of the container. a) Pressure b) Temperature c) Volume 10) According to scientific kinetic molecular theory: 1. a gas is consists of very small particles, each of which has a mass; and 2. the distances separating gas particles are relatively large. a) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is not. b) Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true. c) Both statement is true.

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