How to open a meeting: Thanks for getting here on time. , I appreciate you all being here. , Thank you all for coming., Since everyone is here, we can begin., Can we all welcome George, our project manager?, How to get people's attention.: Okay, let's get the ball rolling., All right, I think it's time to get down to business., Okay, everyone, let's get started, shall we?, All right everyone, it's getting late. Time to get this show on the road., How to manage a meeting: George, please be brief with your comments., Let's get back to the topic, shall we?, We are not here to discuss that today., How to address late comers: Welcome, take a seat., Jane, we're just speaking about... take a seat., Jane, we're on the page 2 of the agenda., How to time manage a meeting: We're running out of time for this meeting, Well, that's all the time we have for today's meeting, but let's discuss that next time., I'm afraid we've run out of time today, but our next meeting will be on Monday morning.,

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