1) “He works in a bank” a) She said he works in a bank. b) She said he worked in a bank. c) She said that he works in a bank. 2) “I’m coming!” a) She said that she was coming. b) She said that shi is coming. c) She said that she came. 3) “Who is this beautiful woman?” She asked me a) who was that beautiful woman. b) who this beautiful woman was. c) who that beautiful woman was. 4) “How often do you go to the cinema?” She asked me a) how often I went to the cinema. b) how often did I go to the cinema. c) how often do I go to the cinema. 5) “Please help me carry this” a) She told me to help her carry that. b) She asked me to help her carry this. c) She asked me to help her carry that. 6) “Don’t smoke!” a) He ordered me not to smoke. b) He ordered me don't smoke. c) He asked me not to smoke. 7) “We went to the cinema yesterday." a) They said they had gone to the cinema yesterday. b) They said they went to the cinema the day before. c) They said they had been to the cinema the day before. 8) “They had never been to Scotland until last year”  a) She said that they had never been to Scotland until last year. b) They said they had never been to Scotland until the previous year.  c) They said they have never been to Scotland until the previous year. 9) "Hey you, come here!" a) He ordered you to come here . b) He ordered me to come here. c) He ordered me to go there. 10) “I’ll come and help you on Saturday”  a) She promised me to come and help you on Saturday. b) She promised me to come and help me on Saturday. c) She said that she will come and help me on Saturday. 11) "How often do you take the medicine?" a) They asked me how often I take the medicine. b) They asked me how often I had taken the medicine. c) They asked me how often I took the medicine. 12) "Who do you think will win the race?" a) She asked me who we thought would win the race. b) She asked me who we think will win the race. c) She asked me who we thought will win the race. 13) "Don't use my mobile in the class!" a) He told me to use his mobile in the class. b) He ordered me not to use my mobile in the class. c) He ordered me not to use his mobile in the class. 14) "Will this help me?" a) Carol asked if this will help her. b) Carol asked if that would help her. c) Carol asked if that will help her. 15) "I"m going to see the doctor tomorrow." a) He said that he is going to see the doctor tomorrow. b) He said that he was going to see the doctor tomorrow c) He said that he was going to see the doctor the following day.

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