impolite - When someone is not polite, they are ___ ., imperfect - When something is not perfect, it is ____.  , immature - When someone is not mature, they are _____. , impatient - When someone is not patient, they are ____. , immortal - When someone is not mortal, they are ___ ., incapable - Revision: When someone is not capable of doing something. , incomplete - Revision: When something is not complete. , independent - Revision: When you can do things by yourself you are _____ . , dishonest - Revision: When someone is not honest, they are ____ ., disconnect - Revision: The opposite of connect is ___ ., unkind - Revision: When someone is not kind, they are ___ ., unhappy - Revision: If someone is not happy, they are ___ .,

Year 3.2: Hangman ( write words with the '-im' suffix)

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