Give 2 ways in which red blood cells are suited to their role - no nucleus, heamoglobin,biconcave shape, Describe the structure of a sperm cell - tail, midpeice, nucleus, acrosome, how does the mitochondira aid the sperm cell - release energy for movement, How does the acrosome help the sperm - digests the egss membrane for fertilisation, How is an egg cell specialised - changes its membrane after fertilisation,cytoplasm has nutrients,haploid, what does haploid mean? - half the number of chromosomes, Explain 2 ways nerve cells are suited to their role - thin and long, branched, mylein sheath, what are the 3 types of muscle cells - cardiac, skeletal, smooth, List 3 specialised animal cells - any 3 ,

Specialised animal cells KS3 Year 8

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