What do you think about eccentric old people who wear fashionable clothes, listen to heavy metal, have tattoos and etc.?, Can you boast of being a trustworthy friend?, When you were at school, did your classmates use to be mean to you?, Can you come up with any ideas of how to fight the problem of bullying?, What are pluses and minuses of being flexible?, Do you think being naive is a bad thing? Why?, Can being `cautious` do any harm?, Do you agree that stupid people are more outgoing than those with a high IQ?, Do you belive in the existence of genuine politicians?, What do you usually do when you want to keep yourself to yourself?, Are you capable of making spontaneous decisions (e.g. to go on an unplanned trip)?, Are you a morning person? Give a piece of advice on how to shine after waking up., Is it important to be witty? How to develop one`s wit?.

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