1) Who explained that the universe originated in an explosive act of a primeval atom or the “cosmic egg,” in the Big Bang Theory? a) Edwin Powell Hubble b) Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson c) Georges Henri Joseph Edouard Lemaître 2) What theory suggests that the universe has always been here and will have no end? a) Big Bang b) Nebular c) Steady State 3) Why could the terrestrial planets not grow to huge diameters, according to Nebular Theory? a) Because of the limited reserve of metallic elements in the solar nebula. b) Because of the massive gravitational pull of Jovian planets. c) Because the atoms with the same charges repel in the terrestrial planets. 4) Tidal theory proposes that: a) the hot gas from the passing star condensed into planetesimal instead of condensing into planets. b) the hot gas from the passing star condensed into planets instead of condensing into planetesimals. c) the hot gas from an intruding star condensed into planetesimal instead of condensing into planets. 5) It occurs when the universe expands and eventually reverses, then collapses forming singularity. a) big bounce b) big crunch c) nucleosynthesis 6) This theory proposes that the planets were formed from the material ejected from the sun during a collision with another celestial object. a) Big Bang b) Oscillating c) Encounter 7) How is the Jovian planets described according to tidal theory? a) less dense near from the sun b) less dense, far from the sun c) denser, far from the sun 8) It could be a result of a suppernova or shockwaves according to Oscillating theory. a) Cloud collapse b) Formation of protoplanetary disk c) Growth of planets 9) This theory describes Earth starting from molten mass with thick gases. a) Tidal b) Nebular c) Steady State 10) This theory describes earth that started with a solid mass smaller than its present size. a) Planetesimal  b) Big Bang c) Nebular Theory d) epoch 11) As the universe expands, its density increases according to Big Bang Theory. a) TRUE b) FALSE c) X 12) Steady State Theory suggests that the universe always looks the same in any time or space but it continuously expands. a) TRUE b) FALSE c) X 13) In oscillating universe theory, universe is expanding and will contract once all the energy after the big bang has been used up only to contract again. a) TRUE b) FALSE c) X 14) Nebular theory indicates that stars originate from interstellar gas and dust. a) TRUE b) FALSE c) X 15) According to Tidal theory, materials condensed into planetesimals from which the planets were formed through accretion. a) TRUE b) FALSE c) X 16) Subsystem that encompasses rocks, minerals, and the inner layers. a) geosphere b) hydrosphere c) atmosphere 17) It encompasses all the water on Earth, including oceans, rivers. a) geosphere b) hydrosphere c) atmosphere 18) Wind and temperature changes influence how rocks break down is a linkage between: a) geosphere and atmosphere b) geosphere and hydrosphere c) hydrosphere and atmosphere d) atmosphere and geosphere 19) Aquatic ecosystems are linkages between:  a) geosphere and atmosphere b) geosphere and hydrosphere c) hydrosphere and biosphere d) hydrosphere and atmosphere 20) The nutrients in soil come from weathered rocks supports organisms in the ecosystem is a linkage between: a) geosphere and atmosphere b) geosphere and biosphere c) hydrosphere and atmosphere d) geosphere and hydrosphere

Theories on the formation of the universe and the solar systems, and the subsystems

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