1) She _____________ a red dress today. a) is wearing b) wears 2) We usually _______ pizza. a) are having b) have 3) They often ________ to this restaurant. a) are coming b) come 4) The family _________ by the window today. a) are sitting b) sit 5) He never ____________ soup for dinner. a) have b) has c) is having 6) At break time, I usually _______ with my friends. a) am playing b) play 7) Look at that boy! He ___________ very fast! a) runs b) 's running 8) Usually, our teachers ____________ us much homework. a) don't give b) aren't giving 9) Mum _____________ on the phone now. a) doesn't talk b) isn't talking 10) What time _____________ dinner? a) do you eat b) are you eating 11) I rarely _________ a cup of coffee in the morning. a) drink b) am drinking 12) He sometimes ___________ a bowl of salad. a) having b) have c) has 13) Hurry up! Everybody __________ for you! a) is waiting b) waits 14) Be quiet. Max _______. a) is sleeping b) sleeps 15) We never ________ TV in the evening. a) are watching b) watch

FF4 Unit 1 (Present Simple/Present Continuous)

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