1) I ... (never be) abroad. I'd like to visit many countries! 2) The students ... (be) in the library now. They ... (study) for the test. 3) Laura ... (go) camping last year.  4) I ... (not have) time now. I ... (visit) you tomorrow. 5) They ... (already finish) the exercise.  6) your brother (go) to school?  - No, he ... (be) too young! 7) He ... (not come) to our meeting last week. 8) I'm busy! I ... (prepare) an important report. 9) Mr. Simon ... (ski) at 5 o'clock yesterday. 10) She ... (not buy) a new dress for a party tomorrow. 11) Luke ... (just win) two prizes!  12) you (ever catch) a big fish? 13) I ... (see) you yesterday at 2 o'clock, you ... (walk) along the street.   14) She frequently ... (wash) the dishes. 15) Zack (post) a letter a week ago?  16) Kim and Ted ... (get) married in 2010. 17) We ... (not complete) painting our house yet. 18) Jane ... (knit) a sweater for me. She ... (finish) soon. 19) you (do) from 9 till 11 yesterday morning? 20) Nancy ... (work) here for 12 years! 21) you (have) club meetings every Friday? 22) She ... (not like) vegetable soup. 23) I ... (not see) Mandy since Wednesday. 24) My friend ... (fly) to Australia 2 years ago. 25) When ... he (receive) this post? 26) How long ... you (know) each other? 27) I ... (talk) to my boss now! Please, come back later! 28) He always ... (read) a book before going to bed. 29) They ... (spend) holidays in Spain next month. 30) Fred ... (tell) me an interesting story the other day.

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