1) A favourite toy you had 2) A time you went shopping 3) Something fun you did with your grandparents 4) Something scary that happened 5) Your last holiday 6) A teacher you liked or didn't like at school 7) Best Christmas present ever 8) A holiday you didn't like 9) Something that happened that made you sad 10) A time you went to a restaurant 11) Something you did for fun when you were little 12) Something funny that made you laugh really hard 13) What class you did not like at school 14) A party you enjoyed 15) A time when you made a mistake 16) A time when you felt really proud of yourself (or happy with yourself) 17) A time you went to a zoo or a farm 18) Something you made in the kitchen 19) A time when you were surprised 20) A game you played that you liked 21) Something fun you did with a sister or brother

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