1) Peter: I read a book every month. Peter said (that) a) he read a book every month. b) he is reading a book every month. c) he was reading a book every month. d) she read a book every month. e) he had read a book every month. f) he loves to read books every month. 2) Sally: I go to the cinema on Saturdays. Sally said (that) a) she wented to the cinema on Saturdays. b) she is going to the cinema on Saturdays. c) she got to the cinema on Saturdays. d) she goed to the cinema on Saturdays. e) she went to the cinema on Saturdays. f) she went to the cinema on the weekend. 3) My teacher: I don't like noise. My teacher said (that) a) she don't liked noise. b) she didn't liked noise. c) she doesn't liked noise. d) she didn't like noise. e) she doesn't like noise. f) she didn't not like noise. 4) Students: We are very calm. We told our teacher (that) a) we were very calm. b) we did be very calm. c) we weren't very calm. d) we were be very calm. e) we did were very calm. f) we aren't very calm. 5) My parents: We don't want to watch TV. My parents told me (that) a) I didn't want to watch TV. b) we don't want to watch TV. c) they didn't want to watch TV. d) they don't want to watch TV. e) we didn't want to watch TV. f) they didn't wanted to watch TV. 6) Daniel: My sister likes to chew gum when she is at the cinema. Daniel said (that) a) his sister liked to chew gum when she is at the cinema. b) his sister did like to chew gum when she was at the cinema. c) his sister likes to chew gum when she was at the cinema. d) his sister liked to chew gum when she were at the cinema. e) his sister liked to chew gum when she was at the cinema. f) her sister liked to chew gum when she was at the cinema. 7) We enjoy our classes. We told our teacher (that) a) they enjoyed our classes. b) we enjoyed our classes. c) they enjoy our classes d) we enjoyed her classes. e) we enjoy our classes. f) she enjoyed our classes. 8) Charles: My brother isn't eating breakfast. Charles told his parents (that) a) his brother wasn't eating breakfast. b) his sister wasn't eating breakfast. c) his brother didn't eat breakfast. d) his brother didn't eating breakfast. e) his brother wasn't eaten breakfast. f) his brother didn't be eat breakfast. 9) I can't call you because I am busy. My girlfriend told me (that) a) she can't call me because she was busy. b) she couldn't call me because she is busy. c) she didn't call me because she was busy. d) she couldn't call me because she was busy. e) she couldn't called me because she was busy. f) she could call me because she was busy. 10) I don't want to travel to the beach. I told my friends (that) a) We didn't want to travel to the beach. b) I didn't not want to travel to the beach. c) I didn't want to travel to the beach. d) I did want to travel to the beach. e) I didn't wanted to travel to the beach. f) They didn't want to travel to the beach.

ES3 T6B - Reported Speech Present to Past

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