1 Nowadays, many people criticise politicians for using ____ to dress up information to make it more appealing to the public. 2 The scandal only came to light when ____ in the Home Office made an anonymous call to the Press. 3 The government is too eager ____ to big business, in the hopes of obtaining their support. 4 The Minister is attempting ____ rumours of financial impropriety by focusing on the government’s record on law and order. 5 The Prime Minister was quick ____ allegations that the government had sought to interfere with the judicial process. 6 Several officials have been convicted of ____ phone-hacking in order to listen in to their opponents’ conversations. 7 He was accused of masterminding a ____ campaign against the opposition party at the last election. 8 The magazine says that there appears to be hard evidence of a government ____ to conceal the full extent of the scandal. 9 This administration has been characterised by financial and sexual ____, blatant hypocrisy, bribery and corruption. 10 Most big media outlets have murky ownership, leaving their journalists vulnerable to outside pressure and ____.

Words and expressions connected to political scandal

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