Q1: What was the Union battle strategy to surround to blockade the Confederacy and cut them in half?, Q2: What was the southern plan to get Britain to help?, Q3: What is the term for American farmers who went to Mexico to buy cheap land in Texas territory?, Q4: Who was the "dark horse" candidate in the election of 1844?, Q5: What was the proposed amendment to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that would have prevented the extension of slavery in the Mexican cession?, Q6: How much did John Slidell offer to pay for California?, Q7: Who was the general sent by Polk into disputed territory to draw fire?, Q8: Who mapped out the Oregon territory?, Q9:  Who was the president of Mexico who refused to sell California and whom we beat in the Mex-Am War?, Q10: How much did we pay for the entire Mexican Cession?, Q11: Name the 4 parts of the Compromise of 1850., Q12: What was the name of Webster's speech in which he urged Congress to vote for the Compromise (made abolitionists mad)?, Q13: What shows state opposition to the Fuguitive Slave Act by disallowing the use of state facilities?, Q14: Who was the historian who said that the American character is truely defined as westward expansion?, Q15: What was the name for southerners who threatened secession if California were admitted as a free state?, Q16: Who was the first president of an independent Texas?, Q17: Who led the Mormon's from the east to the west in order to avoid persecution?, Q18: Who were the two largest immigrant groups before the Civil War?, Q19: Name 2 failed proposed amendments AND what they were supposed to be amending?, Q20: Who was the outspoken critic of slavery who caused the House to enact a Gag rule because he kept fillibustering over the slavery issue?, Q21: Who was the Democratic candidate in the 1840 election that ran on the "hard cider and log cabin" campaign (trying to make him look like a common man)?, Q22: Who was the first governor of the California territory?, Q23: What was the name of Lewis and Clark's Mission to explore the Louisianna territory?, Q24: What was the treaty during the Washington Administration in which Americans negotiated for the right of deposit along the Mississippi River?, Q25: Fill in the blanks - "Washington's response to the _____ rebellion showed the government was much stronger than it had been during the ____ rebellion earlier.", Q26: When Kit Carson was wandering the desert, whose cavalry unit did he stumble upon?, Q27: Who wrote the book Uncle Tom's Cabin?, Q28: What did the Freeport Doctrine say?, Q29: Who were the 3 candidates in the election of 1860 and what party were they from?, Q30: How many times did Henry Clay run for president?, Q31: Who was elected in the Corrupt Bargain?, Q32: What was Calhoun's anonymous pamphlet that proposed nullification and secession over the Tariff issue?, Q33: Name Henry Clay's 3 major compromises., Q34: According to the Dred Scott decision, any form of taking away slavery (including pop. sov.) violated what part of the Constitution?, Q35: The Republican party formed in response to what event?.

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