James K. Polk (4 items): "54,40 or Fight", Mexican American War, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Wilmot Proviso, Franklin Pierce (2 items): Gadsden Purchase, Kansas-Nebraska Act, James Buchannan (6 items): LeCompton Constitution, Bleeding Kansas, Birth of Republican Party, John Brown at Pottowatomie & Harper's Ferry, Dred Scott vs. Sandford, Lincoln-Douglas Debates & Freeport Doctrine, Abraham Lincoln (6 items): Election of 1860, Fort Sumter & beginning of the war, Emancipation Proclamation, Civil War, Free Soiler, Anaconda Plan, Someone Else (6 items): Corrupt Bargain, Bank War, Indian Removal Act, Era of Good Feelings, Missouri Compromise, 36'30 paralell,

Drag & Drop #1 (Period 5 Circus)

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