What is (sport / watch / your favourite / to) ?, Tell me about (someone / get on well with / you / who)., What is (kind / your favourite / film / of)?, Where is (which / has / a place / for you / happy memories)?, What is (to cook / dish / for friends and family / your favourite)?, What are (your reasons / this course / for taking)?, Tell me about (you have read / which / something / recently)., Tell me about (an activity / you / which / do / in your free time)., Where is (place / to go on holiday / your favourite)?, Tell me about (which / an experience / grateful / made you)..

1A Grammar 2 (Noun phrases 1)

Tauler de classificació

Cartes aleatòries és una plantilla de final obert. No genera puntuacions per a una taula de classificació.

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