1) Who created this statue? a) William Shakespeare b) Johann Gutenberg c) Michelangelo d) Leonardo da Vinci 2) Which of these individuals is famous for writing popular comedies, tragedies and histories? a) William Shakespeare b) Galen c) Johann Gutenberg 3) Pick the Key Term: A painting technique that blurs lines to create a 'smoky' effect. a) Perspective b) Botany c) Fresco d) Sfumato 4) What does the term Renaissance mean? a) Revolutionize  b) Rebirth c) Report d) Regroup 5) A ____________ society controlled by men. a) Patriarchal b) Matriarchy 6) Pick the Key Term: Showing things as they really are a) Realism b) Engraving c) Perspective 7) Pick the Key Term: A technique to show space and distance between objects a) Perspective b) Sfumato c) Fresco d) Realism 8) Who painted the Sistine Chapel? a) Michelangelo b) Leonardo da Vinci c) Jan Van Eyck 9) Who painted this painting? a) Leonardo da Vinci b) Michelangelo 10) _______ is the study of the structure of humans, animals and plants. a) Anatomy b) Astronomy c) Botany 11) The Statue of __________ by Michelangelo. a) Dean b) David c) Daniel 12) William Harvey discovered what? a) That the heart pumped blood around the body. b) that all objects fall to ground at the same speed c) that the Earth rotates around the sun 13) Due to the invention of the printing press, many writers began.... a) writing more plays b) writing in the vernacular language c) saving money to use the printing press 14) Who was convicted of heresy during the Renaissance? a) Leonardo da Vinci b) Johann Gutenberg c) Galileo Galilei 15) Galileo used a __________ to prove Copernicus's theories about the planets. a) telescope b) plaster c) human body d) Astronomy book 16) Where did the Renaissance begin? a) Italy b) Germany c) England 17) What is the name of the court set up to question those who held different views to the Church a) heresy b) Inquisition c) Sonnet 18) Who wrote on the Structure of the Human Body? a) Nicolaus Copernicus b) Galileo Galilei c) Andreas Vesalius 19) What does the term Humanism mean? a) that humans are at the centre of things b) that humans can paint directly onto wet plaster c) that humans can now write in the vernacular 20) A wealthy person who hired an artist to produce a work of art for them. a) A Patron b) An Emperor c) An artist 21) Paints used during the Renaissance were.... a) egg yolk with powdered colours b) oil with colours 22) The themes of paints during the Middle Ages were __________only. a) religious b) political 23) Many paintings in the Renaissance were ______ dimensional.  a) two b) three 24) Sculptures in the Middle Ages were... a) free-standing b) usually attached to churches 25) The first book to be printed by the movable-type printing press was _______________. a) The Gutenberg Bible. b) Romeo and Juliet c) A history of Florence

Quiz: The Renaissance

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