1) Lola is .......... in my class. a) taller b) the tallest c) tallest 2) Messi is the .......... football player in Argentina.  a) most famous b) more famous c) famousest 3) Watching a film at home is .......... than going to the cinema. a) bad b) badder c) worse 4) Ann is 1.60 and I'm 1.45. I'm ............ as her! a) tall b) as tall c) not as tall 5) History is .......... than Maths. a) more interesting b) interestinger c) most interesting 6) Chiara is .......... than her brother. a) most intelligent b) more intelligent c) intelligenter 7) For me, Nike is .......... athletic footwear company! a) gooder b) better c) the best 8) Ann lives .......... from the school than me. a) furthest b) farer c) further 9) Money is .......... important than friendship. a) less b) as c) ---- 10) A turtle is .......... than a cat. a) slower b) slow c) slowest 11) For me, comedies are ............ than science fiction films. a) the best b) gooder c) better 12) Mount Everest is .......... mountain on Earth. a) highest than b) the most high c) the highest 13) The cheetah is .......... animal on Earth. a) the fastest b) the furthest c) the most fast 14) Chinese is .......... than Spanish. a) more difficult b) difficulter c) most difficult 15) Taylor is .......... Ariana. a) famous b) as famous as c) more famous as

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