If it rains, I always get wet. - Zero conditional (present simple + present simple) - used to talk about facts or things that we think are definitely true, If I pass the B1 exam, I'll be excited and relieved! - First conditional (present simple + present simple with will) - used to talk about things that I think are possible or that I can achieve, When I go to school on Monday, I'll feel excited because I get to see my friends. - First conditional: (present simple + present simple with will), If I were you, I would read a book in English to improve. - Second conditional (past simple + present simple with a modal verb) - used to give advice, I wear a jumper when it's cold outside.  - Zero conditional: (present simple + present simple) - used to talk about things that I usually do the same way (e.g. every Winter), If aliens attacked the earth tomorrow, I'd find a laser gun and fight them (because I'm hard!) - Second conditional: (past simple + present simple with a modal verb) - used to talk about impossible or imaginary situations,

Zero, first and second conditional sentences

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