What 'M' is a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women? - Misogynist, What 'F' is a technique used by writers to warn the reader about future events? - Foreshadowing, What 'M' is another word to describe somebody who is treated as an outsider? - Marginalised, What 'P' is a word to describe a woman who has several casual relationships with men? - Promiscuous, What 'F' is a woman in literature who uses her powers of seduction to ensnare men? - Femme fatale, What 'S' is used to describe a young wealthy woman from America's Deep South? - Southern Belle, What 'D' is used to describe somebody who has false or unrealistic beliefs? - Delusional, What 'I' is used to describe somebody who lacks confidence? - Insecure, What 'D' is used to describe a disrespectful attitude or insult? - Derogatory, What 'H' - Hierarchy,

Vocabulary Starter Literature Coursework

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