What's your name? - My name is Meredith., What's your surname? - My surname is Smith., How do you spell your surname? - S-M-I-T-H, How old are you? - I'm 33 years old., Where are you from? - I'm from Chicago, The USA., Have you got any brothers or sisters? - I've got a sister and no brothres., What's your email address? - meredith33@mail.com, What's your phone number? - It's 6861-5906., What's your favourite hobby? - My favourite hobby is playing tennis., How are you? - I'm very well! Thanks!, What is your occupation? - I'm a student., When is your birthday? - It's on 22nd March., What s your favourite subject? - My favourite subject is English., Who are your best friends? - My best friends are Ellie, Clare and Ben.,

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