This is a picture of my best friendm Mi-young. I took it a few years ____. Mi-young and I met in 1994. We were very young when we became friends. Mi-young is a very interesting person. She was born in Busan, South Korea, ____ 1990. Her family moved to the U.S. ____ she was three years old. They lived in Chicago ____ Mi-young was 15. Then they moved to New York City. I cried for a ____ time after they moved. Mi-young didn't live in New York ____ because she came back to Chicago for college ____ she was 18. We were roommates at the University of Chicago for four years - ____ 2008 ____ 2012. We graduated and shared an apartment ____ a few months. ____ she got a great job in Phoenix, Arizona, and moved there. I really missed her, but guess what? ____ month she called and said there's a perfect job for me at her company. So I'm going there ____ October for an interview, and I can't wait.

WB: Time expressions for the past

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