You can't reach a bookshelf because you're too short, You've just made a pasta sauce which is too spicy to eat, It's freezing cold, and you're locked outside your house, The sink is full of dishes that you don't feel like washing, You're sitting in a restaurant but can't read the menu, You're unable to have dinner at your favourite restaurant because it's full, You want to go to bed, but you can't because your guests are still here., Your boyfriend eats with his mouth open and makes noises while he's chewing, It's the middle of the morning, and you're absolutely starving, You open the biscuit tin and find that your wife has eaten them all, You're walking your dog in the park but can't see because it's too dark, You see a pair of shoes you want in a shop, but they don't have them in your size, You're trying to work from home, but the house is far too hot, You fell of your bike and hurt your head quite badly, Your neighbours are playing their music really loudly, You're having guests for dinner, and you run out of lasagna, All the plants and flowers in your garden have suddenly dried up and died, An annoying man sitting next to you on a plane won't stop talking, You bite into the chicken you've just prepared and realise it's raw inside, A pair of jeans you bought recently feel quite tight.

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