boom - a period of sudden economic growth, emperor - a male ruler of an empire, erect - to build a building, wall, or other structure, catch a glimpse of - to manage to see something for a short time, investment - the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit, landmark - a building or place that is easily recognized, especially one that you can use to judge where you are, property - an object or objects that belong to someone, site - a place where something is, was, or will be, stab - to injure someone with a sharp pointed object such as a knife, tile - a thin, usually square or rectangular piece of baked clay, plastic, etc., tomb - a large stone structure or underground room where someone, especially an important person, is buried, embroidery - patterns or pictures that consist of stitches sewn directly onto cloth, venue - the place where a public event or meeting happens,

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