Asymmetric kick (the screw kick) : Cause 1: Turning the head to one side – par4cularly during the learning stage., Cure 1: Practise holding the glide position absolutely straight and making slow, symmetrical strokes., Cause 2: One foot turned out more than the other., Cure 2: Go back to basic stroke drills, holding on to the side of the bath if necessary., Cause 3: Having one knee in a different kicking posi4on from the other., Cure: 3 Go back to basics, and try the stroke with your knees quite close together, concentrating on getting your feet equally turned outwards when kicking. Gradually open out into a more rounded kick, concentrating on keeping your feet turned out during the power stroke. , Head bobbing up and down: Cause: Usually, a fear of water splashing into the mouth when breathing., Cure: Don't attempt to get your mouth quite so I high. Your head should be kept s4ll – the natural liB of your body and shoulders is enough to raise it clear of the water as your hands sweep in together., „Knees coming too far under the body, causing excessive drag.: Cause: : You are bending at the hips too much when drawing your heels up to your seat., Cure: Preserve good streamlining by bending your legs more at the knee, rather than at the hip.,

Common faults in breast stroke

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