pros and cons - advantages and disadvantages, entry-level job - a job suitable for a worker who is new to a job, field, or subject, move up the career ladder - a series of stages by which you can make progress in your career, demotion - reduction in rank or status, being moved to a lower position. degradacja, obniżenie rangi (pracownika), accomplish - to do something by making an effort; to complete successfully. osiągać, contract of mandate/ contract for services - umowa zlecenie, umowa zlecenia, to undergo training - to participate in a course, downsize - to fire an employee in order to reduce costs. redukować (np. zatrudnienie), let (sb) go (informal) - to fire. pozwolić komuś odejść (czyt. zwolnić kogoś), pożegnać się z kimś, fast tracking - streamlining, fastening a process. szybka droga do osiągnięcia czegoś, perks/fringe benefits - extra advantages or benefits, such as company car, mobile phone. dodatkowa korzyść (uzyskiwana oprócz wypłaty), head hunting - finding a manager/employee with the right skills and experience to do a particular job, often by persuading a suitable person to leave their present job, seniority - years of service, experience. staż pracy, dismiss - to send someone out; to let someone leave,

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