1) If Argentina hadn't beaten France, a) the French have won the World Cup for the third time. b) the French would won the World Cup for the third time. c) the French would have won the World Cup for the third time. 2) If Tom had had a lot of money, a) he would buy a new a new MacBook Air. b) he would have bought a new MacBook Air. c) he bought a new MacBook Air. 3) If my mother had been a pilot, a) she would have travelled around the world. b) she travelled around the world. c) she would travel around the world. 4) If my friends had been born in Brazil, a) they understand the conference in Portuguese.  b) they would have understood the conference in Portuguese. c) they understood the conference in Portuguese. 5) If I had been hungry, a) I would have eaten all my lunch. b) I eaten all my lunch. c) I would eaten all my lunch. 6) If Sarah had been good at numbers, a) she would has become a Maths teacher. b) she would have become a Maths teacher. c) she became a Maths teacher. 7) If Robert and Sam had studied architecture, a) they designed our house. b) they have designed our house. c) they would have designed our house. 8) If my dad had been a famous singer, a) his music would have been on the radio. b) his music would been on the radio. c) his music have been on the radio. 9) If my sister had had a car, a) she would have driven to Huancayo to see you. b) she would has driven to Huancayo to see you. c) she would driven to Huancayo to see you. 10) If Jim had had a beach house, a) he would spent his vacations there, probably. b) he have spent his vacations there, probably. c) he would have spent his vacations there, probably.

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