1) I’ve spilt some coffee on my friend’s new carpet and I can’t get it out. I know she’s going to be really angry with me. What can I do? 2) I bought a new table. It comes already assembled, but now I can’t get it up the stairs to my flat! What can I do? 3) I bought some flatpack furniture, but I don’t understand the instructions and can’t put it together. What can I do? 4) I have a red spot on my nose and I have a really important meeting today. What can I do? 5) There’s a hole in my favourite work trousers. They’re grey and they’re very delicate. What can I do? 6) I need to change a lightbulb in my bathroom, but it’s quite high up and I don’t have a ladder. What can I do? 7) When I was opening the door to my flat, the key broke inside the lock. I can’t get it out. What can I do? 8) It’s really cold and my car won’t start. What can I do? 9) I dropped my earring into the sink and it’s gone down the plughole. What can I do? 10) My brother kicked the door and now there’s a hole in it. Our parents aren’t home. What canwe do? 11) My watch has stopped working. What can I do? 12) I borrowed a very old, valuable book from a friend and then I pulled one of the pages out. What can I do? 13) My neighbours can see into my garden. I really want to be able to spend time outside, but I don’t want my neighbours to see everything I do. What can I do? 14) My room always looks untidy because I have a lot of clothes and books and I only have one shelf and a small wardrobe. What can I do? 15) I put up a painting on my wall, but it keeps falling down. I’m afraid it will break. What can I do?  16) I have a lot of charging cables in my drawer and they’re always in a mess – I can never find the one I want. What can I do? 17) I hit my partner’s car when I parked next to it. He / She will be upset when he / she sees it! What can I do? 18) One of the legs on my bed broke. I tried to fix it, but it broke again. It’s late and all the shops are closed. What can I do? 19) I took apart my bookshelf and I painted it. Now I’m putting it together again, but I’ve lost one of the screws! What can I do? 20) I want to make something for my sister for her birthday. I have some wood, screws, a drill, nails, and a hammer. What can I do?


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