ZERO: If my flatmate eats peanuts, he feels sick. He is allergic., Planes are banned to take off if there is a storm., If you heat water to 100°C, it boils., I don't have to get up early if I work from home., FIRST (50:50): If I have time, I will practise the conditonals more., We will be able to finish the project on time, if we have enough programmers., If I find cheap flight tickets, I can take a few days off., If there is another D&B festival, I will take Monday off., SECOND (hypothetical): If I inherited an unexpected sum of money, I would travel for a year., I would relocate to the USA if I got an interesting job offer., I could go swimming if it wasn't freezing., If I were you, I would definitely eat more healthily. ,

Conditionals 0, I, II - group sort

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