1) Daristan û zevî a) forest and field b) forest and lake 2) rez û zevî a) grapevine and lake b) grapevine and field 3) zevî û avahî a) field and construction b) field and water 4) avahî û gol a) construction and water b) construction and lake 5) gol û avjenî a) lake and swimming b) lake and water 6) avjenî û bexçeyê ajalan a) swimming and garden b) swimming and zoo 7) bexçeyê ajalan û şano a) zoo and theatre b) zoo and sinema 8) şano û dengbêj a) theatre and song b) theatre and traditional singer 9) dengbêj û bazargeh a) market and traditional singer b) market and song 10) kevnar û binavûdeng a) old and new b) old and popular 11) piçûk û mezin a) small and big b) small and fat 12) mirov û jin a) human and man b) human and woman 13) hewz û masî a) pool and fish b) pool and table 14) temaşe kirin û şevbihêrk a) to watch and evening b) to watch and night entertainment 15) agahî û çîrokbêj a) news and storyteller b) news and story

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