A science fiction film  - shows unreal events based on science., A comedy - has a lot of humour and funny situations., A drama - is a serious story with realistic characters and life situations., A horror film - makes you scared, because of scenes with monsters or other scary things., A musical - is a film with a lot of singing and dancing., A western - can be also called a cowboy film., An animated film - has animated characters, and it is often made for children., An action film - has a lot of epic scenes with cars and weapons., An adventure film - shows how someone travels, usually somewhere far away from home, to do something important., A historical film - shows historical events and people from the past, A fantasy film - shows magic or supernatural events and creatures., A love story - is about romantic relationships between people., A thriller - shows that someone’s life is in danger and they have to save themselves., A war film - shows war and has scenes with battles.,

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