1) It’s 7.30am. Suzanne Wells is in her kitchen at home. She (1) ________ breakfast. She (2) _______ breakfast at this time every morning. She (3) ___________ home at 8.30am every day and (4) __________ to work. Suzanne is a teacher. She (5) ___________at a school in Canberra. a) teach b) have (2) c) drive d) leave 2) Постройте вопросы, используя времена Present Simple или Present Continuous. a) you | often | wear | jeans? b) you | wear | jeans now? c) it | rain | now? d) it | often | rain | in your country? e) you | study | English every day? f) you | study | English at the moment? 3) Они заказали билеты в туристическом бюро. Я не слушал радио этим утром. Ты готовил ужин вчера? Два британских подростка хотели поехать в Австралию. Где приземлился ваш самолет? a) . b) .. 4) Мэри принесла домой неделю назад котенка, и теперь он живет с ней. Что вы ели на ужин вчера? Она положила книги на стол и пошла гулять. Вчера я получил письмо. Кого вы встретили на вечеринке? a) . b) .. 5) Поставьте глаголы в Future Simple. a) I’m ill. I_____________(call) the doctor. b) — Tim has broken his leg and stays at home. — Sorry to hear that. I _________(visit) him tomorrow. c) It’s Julia’s birthday today. She’s bought much food. She________ (cook) a lot. d) — My bags are terribly heavy today. — Really? I ______(give) you a lift. e) — Do you know Kate’s phone number? — I’ve bad memory for phone numbers, but I ______ (look) for it in my notebook. f) My uncle has bought bricks. He ___________ (build) a house in the country. 6) Поставьте глаголы в Future Simple. a) When (do / will) our classes start tomorrow? b) The train from Liverpool (arrives / will arrive) at 7.30. c) I (will play / am playing) football tomorrow. d) I (will promise / promise) I (will phone / phone) my granny. e) We (will go / are going) to St. Petersburg soon. f) We are having a party on Saturday night. (Will you come / Are you coming)?

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