Answering the phone: Hello? Thomas speaking., This is Acme Inc. How can I help you?, Tax Office. Mr. Brown speaking. What can I do for you?, Going away from the phone: Please hold on a minute, I’ll be right back, Bear with me for a moment, please. I’ll need to check that…, I’ll put you on hold. Please don’t hang up, Sorry about this, I need to put the phone down for a second, Asking and making requests: Hello, may I ask who’s calling, please?, I’m calling to clarify/discuss…, Could I talk to someone about booking a room, please?, I just wanted to ask about my…, Would you be so kind and put me through to Mr Jones, Not understanding what somebody said: Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. Can you spell it for me?, Could you repeat what you said?, Sorry, can you say it again? , I can’t hear you very well. , Ending the call: Thank you for calling, Have a nice day and talk to you later, Speak to you again soon, So, is there anything else that I can help you with today?,


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