A ____ holiday ____ a ____ for an American brother and sister called Dan and Kate Suski. They were enjoying a ____ in the Caribbean, near the ____ island of St Lucia, when the boat ____, leaving them and their captain ____ their lives. The fishing trip began well enough. The weather wasn't ____, but Dan wasn't ____: he had a ____ ____! He was trying to ____ it onto the boat and Kate was helping him. But then, tha captain ____ there was a problem. Water was coming into the ____ and the boat was sinking fast. The captain used his radio to send a ____. Then he ____ the Suskis, '____!' So they did, and a few minutes later, the boat ____ under the ____. They were about 15 km from land. The captain told the Suskis to wait with him in the water. Help was coming. The weather was now ____, but they were wearing ____. After an hour, the captain and the Suskis ____, and there was no ____. So Dan and Kate started to swim as fast as they could ____ land. They were both thinking the same ____: sharks! A plane and a ____ appeared in the sky, but nobody saw Dan and Kate in the water. Hours ____ and night came.The Suskis swam for fourteen hours. Then, ____, they saw some ____. They were only a few metres from land! But they couldn't ____ here. The ____ were ____; it was too dangerous. So Kate and Dan swam ____ the cliffs. By now they were ____. ____, they ____ a ____ beach. Out of the water ____, they ____ Then they ____ a town or village. On the way, they ____ and ate green bananas. Dan said later that it was the ____ - and ____ - food of his life! After three hours, they met a young farm worker. He gave them water and food, and stayed with them ____ the police arrived. He also gave them some ____ news: the captain was ____. Dan and Kate Suski spent a few days in hospital. Their story ____ in news programmes ____. And there was one final ____ ____: the captain also ____. A ____ found him after 23 hours in the water!

2F SB EXTRA of Solutions Pre-int Lost at sea

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